Dorky Poll: Angular Inclinations

I forgot to include an option about this in the previous Dorky Poll, but this is one of the best ways I know to sort out righteous physicists from heathen mathematicians: How do you like your angular coordinates?(polls) Choose wisely.

Dorky Poll: Coordination

Today’s lecture in intro mechanics is a whirlwind survey of vectors. While I struggle to clear my head enough to be able to teach this stuff, here’s a Dorky Poll to pass the time: What’s your favorite three-dimensional coordinate system?(survey) This is a strictly classical subject, so please choose only one.

Musical Poll: Improbable Dylan

I continue to be boggled by the Bob Dylan Christmas album. Thus, a deeply silly poll: Having recorded a Christmas album, what should Bob Dylan’s next project be?(polls) Happy Holidays!

Seasonal Poll: Shopping in December

I’m spending today doing some Christmas shopping, god help me. So here’s a seasonally-appropriate poll for you all: The worst part of going to a mall in December is:(polls) Please choose only one. No returns or exchanges.

Poll: Cat Vacuuming

A purely hypothetical situation for today’s poll. Purely. You have agreed to read and review six grant proposals by Sunday. Today is Thursday, and you have not read them yet. What do you do?(poll) If anybody needs me, I’ll be in an undisclosed location not responding to email.

Snowy Poll

I just finished shoveling six-plus inches of snow off our cars and driveway (the forecast called for something like 3-5″, but we’ve got more than that, with no slowing in the fall). In honor of the first significant snowfall of the year, a poll: It’s snowing:(survey) This one has ticky-boxes, which will play hell with… Continue reading Snowy Poll

Poll: Sounds of the– What?

It’s officially December, so there are no longer really solid reasons for objecting to the playing of Christmas music. With the exception of the sort of stuff that shows up in Mellowmas, that is. And speaking of Mellowmas, there is this. About which, a poll: A Bob Dylan Christmas album:(survey software) Please choose only one,… Continue reading Poll: Sounds of the– What?

Mmmmmm…. Turkey

Here’s yesterday’s turkey a la Good Eats, a little while after coming out of the oven: As in past years, we brined it overnight. Unlike past years, we didn’t have any of the plastic roasting bags, so instead we took advantage of the spiffy new roasting pan (a Christmas gift after the liquid turkey incident)… Continue reading Mmmmmm…. Turkey

Poll: Holiday (Music) in Hell

The Onion kindly provided this Patton Oswalt demolition of the “Christmas Shoes” song. while it’s funny, it is a reminder that we have reached the time of year when radio stations across the country will begin inflicting holiday “cheer” on their listeners. which seems like an excellent subject for a poll: Which of these holiday… Continue reading Poll: Holiday (Music) in Hell