Science-and-Religion Links Dump

The big science-and-religion issue of the week has been Expelled, which The AV Club gave an F, writing: Perhaps what Bruce Chapman of ID advocacy group The Discovery Institute says about Darwinists applies best to Expelled: “People who don’t have an argument are reduced to throwing sand in your eyes.” If only this movie could […]

There’s No Escape

There’s just no getting away from science-and-religion. Yesterday’s (snail) mail brought a flier from the Williams College Society of Alumni, giving the schedule of events for my upcoming 15th (!!) college reunion. The very first item on Thursday’s list of faculty lectures: 1 p.m. “Celebrating Evolution from a Religious Perspective” featuring Stuart Crampton ’58, Barclay […]

Science-and-Religion Links Dump

The whole framing/ “screechy monkeys” fracas led to a number of people asking for more frequent postings emphasizing a more moderate view of the great science and religion flamewars. As I said at the time, I’m a little hesitant about this, because there just isn’t that much there that crosses the posting threshold for me– […]

Moderation, Not Apathy

I had planned to let the current round of screechy-monkey-bashing die, but I woke up this morning to an accusation from commenter Andrew that I don’t want to leave unanswered: As for the blog – I’m not sure you are actually moderate really, it sounds more like vaguely apathetic. Or more accurately (and without the […]

The Problem of Moderation

It’s probably a little foolish to continue this on a Saturday, but I’d like to wrap up the giant framing/ religion/ screechy monkeys mess and get back to more pleasant topics, at least for a while. Putting it off until Monday would make this more visible, but it would also drag things out, so I’m […]

God and Fraternities

There was a faculty-student happy hour event last week for St. Patrick’s Day, and I spent a bunch of time drinking Irish beer, listening to Irish music (one of the English department faculty is an accomplished piper, and brought a bunch of other local musicians in to play for the party), and talking to some […]

Uncomfortable Questions: Church Wedding

Adrienne asks: Why, when you apparently are an agnostic or atheist, did you get married in a church? And are you going to baptize your baby? Raise him/her in a religious framework? Now, here’s a nice volatile question… Why did we get married in a church? Because religion is more than just superstition and mythology. […]