New Physics Contest

Slow blogging this weekend, as yesterday was taken up with activities that will be blogged about later. Today promises to be a sticky and unpleasant day outside, so I’ll probably end up doing a lot of blogging in my nice, comfortable, air-conditioned home office. Of course, there’s not much point in posting lots of stuff… Continue reading New Physics Contest

Classic Edition: Stronger Than Old Hapless Gods

I was scheduled for a deeply unpleasant medical test yesterday, which I thought was going to leave me lots of time for blogging. yesterday afternoon and this morning. The preliminary test turned out to be so unpleasant (if anybody ever offers to stick a tube through your nose into your stomach, decline politely) that I… Continue reading Classic Edition: Stronger Than Old Hapless Gods

Across the Eighth Dimension

Over at Backreaction, Bee has posted a fairly readable introduction to extra dimensions, including a sort of taxonomy of different models. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, take a look. It almost makes up for the dreadful visual pun from a little while back. (There’s other good stuff there, including a list of… Continue reading Across the Eighth Dimension

Categorized as Physics

Extremely Dorky Poll

Rob Knop offers a nice discussion of the speed of light, in response to last night’s question. This post is not about that, though you should go read it. This post is about my odd reaction to Rob’s title: “‘Speed of Light’ : a bad name for a great fundamental constant?” The notion of a… Continue reading Extremely Dorky Poll

Shop Days

The last couple of days at work have been Shop Days, with a fair bit of time spent in the department’s machine shop making holes in a metal box. This would, I’m sure, be the occasion of much hilarity among my old junior high shop teachers, as my ineptitude in both metal and wood shop… Continue reading Shop Days