079/366: Leaf Leap

The Pip mid-leap into the leaf pile in the back yard of Chateau Steelypips.

the Pip officially has strep throat, and thus had to stay home today, but the antibiotics he started yesterday (over his very strenuous objections) have worked wonders, so his energy level was pretty much back to normal. Which means that we spent a while out in the back yard raking up a big pile of… Continue reading 079/366: Leaf Leap

074/366: Gotham City

The Pip's new Gotham City wall decal.

This is a pure document-my-day shot, not one of my random attempts at artsy effects. One of The Pip’s birthday presents was a big vinyl wall decal from Chic Walls, a gift from Aunt Erin in California. These are a little complicated to install, and SteelyKid being sick messed up the whole week, but I… Continue reading 074/366: Gotham City

073/366: Doubly Social

My desk, with social media on both computers.

Another day with a staged-for-talk-prep photo: I needed a picture of social-media apps on computer screens for an upcoming talk, so I took one. After first tweeting a cute-kid photo: Cute-kid photo because I want to take a picture of Twitter to use in a talk. pic.twitter.com/QIYHTda0vL — Chad Orzel (@orzelc) November 12, 2015 Yeah,… Continue reading 073/366: Doubly Social

070/366: Scientists for Scale

Dr. Brown discovers the dark secret of Dr. Red's mushroom-breeding program.

Another delayed photo-of-the-day, because SteelyKid was sent home with strep throat yesterday. She complained that her throat hurt any time we asked her to eat anything other than ice cream, but other than that was basically unaffected. Which is sort of the most irritating sick-kid scenario possible, because if she were actually sick and listless,… Continue reading 070/366: Scientists for Scale

069/366: Ain’t No Party Like a Little Dude Party…

The Pip shaking a parachute with balls on it at his birthday party.

The day was dominated by the previously mentioned birthday party for The Pip, so it only makes sense to have the photo of the day be an action shot from said party: This is from the games portion of the party, which included shaking a parachute loaded up with plastic balls so they flew all… Continue reading 069/366: Ain’t No Party Like a Little Dude Party…

The Pre-School Social Event of the Season

The Pip's having a birthday party.

The Pip’s birthday was yesterday, but we’re having his birthday party today, because that’s when the indoor playground was available. He had two requests for his birthday: that we have a party at Tumbling Tykes, and that one friend in particular be invited. So, well, we’re having his party at Tumbling Tykes, and his buddy… Continue reading The Pre-School Social Event of the Season

068/366: Happy Pip Day

The Pip with his big new book of superhero stories.

Four years ago today, The Pip was born. That’s hard to believe, in both directions at different times. There are days when it seems like just yesterday that he was a tiny helpless thing, and other days when he seems to have been a hyper Little Dude for aeons. I took a bunch of pictures… Continue reading 068/366: Happy Pip Day

Speaking at TEDxAlbany, December 3

I’ve known this for a while now, but they just announced it officially: I’ll be speaking at TEDxAlbany this year, on “The Exotic Physics of an Ordinary Morning”: You might think that the bizarre predictions of quantum mechanics and relativity– particles that are also waves, cats that are both alive and dead, clocks that run… Continue reading Speaking at TEDxAlbany, December 3

062/366: Fun-Size Candy Mountain

The Pip's Halloween candy.

Another busy day, so you get another kind of lazy shot. But, hey, everybody wants to know how the kids did trick-or-treating, right? So here’s The Pip’s share of the Halloween haul: I weighed both his plastic pumpkin full of candy and the Tupperware container that SteelyKid’s stuff is in, and they each came out… Continue reading 062/366: Fun-Size Candy Mountain