Here’s another installment in the payoff for Rajesh Vaidya’s donation. This is one of a bunch of pictures Kate took of me and Emmy playing on the floor: This sort of looks like it ought to be a scene from one of our physics conversations, so here’s my lame attempt at a caption:
Category: Dog
LOLEmmy: Unsatisfactory Toys
It’s Saturday, and it’s Homecoming weekend at Union, so I’ll be over on campus watching sporting events for a good chunk of the day. That means it’s a perfect time to pay off another blog purchase, this one from Rajesh Vaidya who asked for LOLEmmys, at least five pictures worth. There are two problems with… Continue reading LOLEmmy: Unsatisfactory Toys
The Love of a Good Dog
Natalie Angier has a piece in the Times this morning about the loss of a beloved pet cat: Cleo was almost 16 years old, she’d been sick, and her death was no surprise. Still, when I returned to a home without cats, without pets of any sort, I was startled by my grief — not… Continue reading The Love of a Good Dog
Ready for Her Close-Up
“Dude, what is your deal?” “What? I’m just taking a couple of pictures.” “A couple? You’ve taken, like, forty pictures of me already today. You’re cramping my style. I’m trying to go for a walk, here. I’ve got bushes to sniff, lawns to pee on, critters to chase– I don’t have time for photography.” “Sorry,… Continue reading Ready for Her Close-Up
Book Report
It turns out that there’s actually a small clause in the standard publishing contract that requires any author with a blog to post periodic updates on the progress of the current writing project. Who knew? Well, OK, there’s no contractual obligation, but really, I have the blog, and I need to fill it with something,… Continue reading Book Report
Totally Non-Dorky Poll: Canine Enlightenment
A critical question has come up in looking over stuff for the book: Does a dog have Buddha nature? I mean, a dog has particle character, obviously. And quantum theory tells us that a dog has wave nature. But does a dog have Buddha nature? Hard questions make Emmy sad. Or maybe she’s just pondering… Continue reading Totally Non-Dorky Poll: Canine Enlightenment
Bunnies Made of Cheese: The Book
I’m checking a last few things and putting papers into an envelope when the dog wakes up from her nap. “Hey,” she says, stretching, “What’re you doing?” “I’m getting ready to mail this,” I say. “What is it?” “Several copies of a book contract that I just signed.” “It’s a book about me, right?” she… Continue reading Bunnies Made of Cheese: The Book
There’s been some discussion recently in places I can’t link to about the Purpose of Blogging, and whether it’s really appropriate to be using the medium to exchange silly pictures of cats. Ethan Zuckerman made an important point about the utility of banality (that link 404’s at the moment, but I assume Ethan will eventually… Continue reading IN UR INTERNETZ, ENABLIN UR ACTIVISTS
Thursday Night Dog-Blogging
Emmy says “Boring posts about religion and politics make me sad. You should post more about me.” There’ll be news to make her happy in the next week or so. Until then, here’s a picture.
Subhuman Behavior in the NFL
I’ve never been a big fan of Michael Vick as a football player, and his indictment for running a dog-fighting business pretty much wipes out any chance he ever had of winning me over. Steve Verdon notes that, if convicted, Vick could be fined up to $350,000 and face as much as six years in… Continue reading Subhuman Behavior in the NFL