A few years ago, my father retired from public school teaching, and decided to get a dog to keep him company. He purchased a yellow Labrador Retreiver puppy, who was dubbed “RD” for “Ron’s Dog.” He started out small, but quickly grew into a barrel-chested lunkhead, who panted like a freight train whenever he saw… Continue reading RIP “RD,” 2003-2008
Category: Dog
The Queen Surveys the Scene
“What the hell is this?” “We’re remodeling the garage into a family room.” “Oooh! That’s a good idea!” “Thanks. We’re so glad you approve.” “So, where are you going to put the bunny hutch?” “I beg your pardon?”
Exhausted Dog Blogging
You have no idea how hard it is to be the Queen of Niskayuna. Between the talking about Relativity, and the people working on the house, and the nice weather, and the squirrels, and the cleaning service coming by, and the inferior dogs in the neighborhood, well, she’s just wiped out: She was too tired… Continue reading Exhausted Dog Blogging
Relative Dog Motion
As I’m driving down the street, a squirrel darts out into the road a block or so ahead of me. From the back seat, the dog says “Gun it!!!! Hit the squirrel, hit the squirrel, hitthesquirrel!” “Will you sit down and be quiet?” We’re having some work done on the house, and I’m taking her… Continue reading Relative Dog Motion
Friday Dog Blogging
“Why in the world are you posting that?” “What do you mean?” “It’s a yappy little dog. We don’t like yappy little dogs.” “True enough, but it’s a picture of a yappy little dog in the infrared, and that’s pretty cool.” “I don’t think it’s all that cool. You should take pictures of me in… Continue reading Friday Dog Blogging
Uncomfortable Questions: Why No Cat?
chezjake asks: OK, try this one on for size. Do you have a bias against cats? We know that you have Emmy, and therefore you like dogs, but is there a reason you don’t also have a cat? Well, the main reason we don’t have a cat is that we have Emmy. She divides the… Continue reading Uncomfortable Questions: Why No Cat?
Vacation Dog Blogging #4
Today is the last day of our trip, so here’s a shot of Her Majesty showing off her regal side. Of course, the snow on her muzzle kind of undercuts the dignified affect…
Vacation Dog Blogging #3
Day three of our vacation, and another Action Dog! shot: Here, Emmy demonstrates that among her other superlative qualities, she is exceptionally strong and stubborn. This is a good shot of the Kong Wubba, as well.
Vacation Dog Blogging #2
Another dog picture for you to admire while I’m out of town: It’s a little tough to tell what she’s doing here, but this is a play-bow– she’s stretched her paws out in front of her and brought the front part of her body down, but her butt is still up in the air. One… Continue reading Vacation Dog Blogging #2
Vacation Dog Blogging #1
Kate and I are going out of town for a few days. I may or may not check in and post some stuff while we’re gone– it will depend on how busy we are, and how good the Internet access is in the hotel. I had intended to schedule some substantive posts to appear during… Continue reading Vacation Dog Blogging #1