When Gravity Fails

It’s a little-known fact that gravity is stronger in the vicinity of our couch: Her Majesty just can’t manage to lift her head. I think string theory is involved, but I’m not sure.

Categorized as Dog

Dog of the Year

What with Time naming everybody the “Person of the Year,” Emmy is angling to snag Top Dog honors by uploading video of herself shredding a chew toy to YouTube: It’s hard to blog when you don’t have opposable thumbs.

Categorized as Dog

I Told You So

We’ve been having intermittent DSL problems here at Chateau Steelypips, which has led to much cursing of Verizon. The fact that their tech support department screwed up the first two service appointments, and repeatedly dropped calls after half an hour spent navigating their miserable phone tree and hold system didn’t help any. The repair guy… Continue reading I Told You So

The Queen in Chains

The Queen of Niskayuna is being repressed: Actually, ignore the reproachful look. She spends every night, and all day on weekdays in her crate, and she’s perfectly happy to go in there. In fact, most of the time, she goes in there of her own accord, some time before we’re actually ready to leave for… Continue reading The Queen in Chains

Categorized as Dog


Rhymes With Orange explains the state of the art in dog surgery, and the Queen of Niskayuna demonstrates the technique: (The patient is an Awful Mad Kitty from Fat Cat Toys, who make great dog toys.)

Categorized as Dog

Queen Emmy the Vigilant

This might not look it, but this is actually a happy dog picture. On windy days, she’ll sit like this at the edge of the patio, just letting the wind blow interesting smells past her. You can’t see it from a still photo, but she’s constantly sniffing, and her ears are twitching, and she’s generally… Continue reading Queen Emmy the Vigilant

Categorized as Dog

Toys of the Monster Dogs

In honor of Halloween tomorrow, a menacing picture of Emmy, Queen of Niskayuna: Caption: “Don’t even think about trying to take my Kong.”

Categorized as Dog

The Doggie In the Water

We have a small ornamental pond in the back yard, with a little bubbler in it to keep it from turning into nothing but a stagnant mosquito ranch. Here we find the Queen of Niskayuna contemplating the pond: (I’m not quite sure what she’s looking for, but it was cute. Sometimes she drinks the water,… Continue reading The Doggie In the Water

Categorized as Dog

It’s Hard to Be the Queen

Kate’s busy doing LiveJournal things downstairs in the living room, and I’m upstairs blogging in my office. What’s a dog to do? Mope at the foot of the stairs, of course: She’s the most neglected dog in the entire world. Just ask her…

Categorized as Dog

Shhh! Don’t Let the Dog Hear!

Emmy, Queen of Niskayuna, is not what you’d call a well-socialized dog. We got her from a shelter, where she was an owner turn-in due to allergy problems, so the only time she’s been around other digs was in the shelter. I think the technical term for her reaction when confronted with another dog is… Continue reading Shhh! Don’t Let the Dog Hear!

Categorized as Dog