First Round Update

Maryland held off a tough Davidson team to win, 82-70, in a game that I saw basically none of. By the time the BC-Texas Tech game wound down to its uninteresting conclusion, Maryland had built up a fairly secure lead, and there were only a couple of minutes of garbage time left. I gather that… Continue reading First Round Update

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NCAA Tournament 2007

While I am taking the day off to watch basketball all afternoon, I will not be live-blogging the first round, the way I have the last couple of years. I realize this is a huge disappointment to about two people out there, but since typing on the laptop got me crippling muscle spasms in my… Continue reading NCAA Tournament 2007

Categorized as Basketball

A Bracket for Everything, and Everything In Its Bracket

Posting has been basketball-heavy of late because, well, there isn’t much else going on that I find all that interesting at the moment. More importantly, though, it’s the Season of the Bracket… I’m not the only one affected, of course, though many people who don’t care about hoops have to find other outlets for the… Continue reading A Bracket for Everything, and Everything In Its Bracket

Even the Liberal New Republic…

… is blogging about basketball. Of course, this was inevitable, because college basketball is inherently a liberal sport. There’s no sports analogue for welfare and affirmative action better than the “atuomatic bid” system that allows small conference champions into the NCAA tournament, giving them the same chance at the title as teams from the power… Continue reading Even the Liberal New Republic…

Categorized as Basketball

Worst. Bracket. EVER.

As threatened in passing earlier, I went through the NCAA Tournament field, picking the games based on the ranking of Ph.D. programs in Physics (I set the “Scholarly quality of program faculty is high” weight to 5, and left everything else off). I entered it on Yahoo, which provides a spiffy PDF version for those… Continue reading Worst. Bracket. EVER.

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Office Pool Advice

With the annual Office Pool Season now open, lots of people are queueing up to offer advice on how to fill out the bracket sheets for our national foray into illegal gambling: Inside Higher Ed offers a bracket based on graduation rates, with a Final Four of Florida, Virginia, Michigan State, and, um, Holy Cross.… Continue reading Office Pool Advice

Categorized as Basketball

Let’s Stick It to the Little Guy

There’s been a lot of commentary already about how the NCAA selection committee short-changed the smaller conferences. Only six small conference teams got at-large bids this year, half the number from a few years back. This actually understates the problem, though. Not only dis the committee take too few small teams, in a few cases,… Continue reading Let’s Stick It to the Little Guy

Categorized as Basketball


So, the NCAA brackets are out. Syracuse got left out of the field, which is what Jim Boeheim gets for sneering at the selection committee in public. And also for not playing a game outside the state of New York until late January… Maryland, at least, is in, seeded #4 in the St. Louis region,… Continue reading Doom!

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