Reflections on Matter and Interactions

I’m teaching introductory mechanics for the umpteenth time, using the Matter and Interactions curriculum, as we have for a while. This is going to be my last time teaching out of M&I, though, because last year the department decided to switch to a different book. Starting this winter term, we’ll be using Halliday, Resnick and… Continue reading Reflections on Matter and Interactions

Grand Jury Thoughts

As I’ve mentioned several times, I just finished a two-month sentence on a grand jury in Schenectady County (well, technically, I have to go back for one more day, because they didn’t finish everything). I’m not allowed to talk about the details of the cases we heard, but I have some general thoughts about the… Continue reading Grand Jury Thoughts

Categorized as Personal

Teaching Evaluations and the Problem of Unstated Assumptions

There’s a piece in Inside Higher Ed today on yet another study showing that student course evaluations don’t correlate with student learning. For a lot of academics, the basic reaction to this is summed up in the Chuck Pearson tweet that sent me to the story: “Haven’t we settled this already?” The use of student… Continue reading Teaching Evaluations and the Problem of Unstated Assumptions

Advice for New Faculty, 2016

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to speak on a panel about teaching during Union’s new-faculty orientation. We had one person from each of the academic divisions (arts and literature, social science, natural science, and engineering), and there was a ton of overlap in the things we said, but here’s a rough reconstruction… Continue reading Advice for New Faculty, 2016

362-366/366: Sillyhead-Centric Closing

The Pip swimming with a noodle at the Niskayuna town pool.

And now, the photo-a-day project straggles in to the finish line, with a final five photos dominated by the kids: 362/366: Kid Art I 363/366: Kid Art II One of the official end of summer activities is cleaning off the “art shelf” in the bookcase in the dining room, where we pile the various projects… Continue reading 362-366/366: Sillyhead-Centric Closing

353-361/366: Penultimate Photo Dump

The Schenectady Greenmarket, our regular Sunday-morning activity.

Another day, another batch of photos from August. 353/366: Trail Blaze This is actually a slight reversal of chronology, as the hike through Vischer’s Ferry was the day after I went for a hike in the H. G. Reist Wildlife Sanctuary. The pictures from Vischer’s Ferry were better though, as despite the name I didn’t… Continue reading 353-361/366: Penultimate Photo Dump

344-352/366: Wetland Walk

Great blue herons in the Vischer Ferry Nature Preserve.

Another in the sadly delayed wrapping-up of my photo-a-day project. These are all pictures from a hike in the Vischer Ferry Nature Preserve over in Clifton Park. We took the kids over there one time, but a thunderstorm started coming in before we got very far. While the kids were at my parents’, I decided… Continue reading 344-352/366: Wetland Walk