123-124/366: Slack!

One of our Christmas presents for the kids was a slackline kit, which they wanted set up pretty much the instant I got home. So I put it up over the weekend, and on consecutive days got these pictures: (I of course also have a bunch of photos where you can see the kids’ entire […]

117-122/366: Catching Up, Renaissance Edition

After the trip to my parents’ for Christmas, I flew down to Charleston, SC to attend the Renaissance Weekend (though none of it fell on an actual weekend day…). This provided some much-needed stress relief, but was not great in photo-a-day terms, as it’s a strictly off the record event, so I couldn’t exactly photograph […]

109-116/366: Catching Up, Holiday Edition

I’m back after the traditional family holiday and a less traditional trip to Charleston, SC for the Renaissance Weekend meeting. Which means things will start to return to what passes for normal around here, and that means it’s time to get caught up on photo-a-day pictures… What with one thing and another, there was one […]