We have a couple of bird feeders near the house, one just outside the bay window in the front of the house, and the other on the side of the house right next to the dining room. (That one used to be farther out in the yard, where it functioned well as a means of luring bunnies and squirrels into the yard for Emmy to chase, but we took out the trees it was hung from, so had to move it…)
I try to remember to keep these filled up, because they’re a reliable source of entertainment, even in the winter months. We got a bunch of activity at the feeders today, including a blue jay, and I ended up with a couple of good pictures, including this action shot:

I was really happy to get this, because the jays never stay on the feeder long. And they’re very pretty birds, even if their calls are horrible.
Programming note: Kate’s off at Arisia this weekend, and I’m taking the kids to Vermont to visit a friend from college who has kids about the same age. I do plan to take the camera, as I’m sure there’ll be pretty scenery, but I likely won’t have time to post any photo-a-day images while we’re up there, let alone anything more substantive.