038/366: Cloudy Conjunction

Shots of the Moon and Venus from yesterday (left) and today (right).

In yesterday’s crude astrophotography post, I mentioned that the conjunction of Venus and the Moon would be closer this morning, but I took a shot of it yesterday because there’s no telling with the weather here this time of year. When I first went outside this morning, though, the sky was beautiful and clear and… Continue reading 038/366: Cloudy Conjunction

036/366: Pine Bush

Plants in the Pine Bush Nature Preserve.

The difficult-to-spell name “Schenectady” (where Union is located) derives from a Mohawk word meaning “beyond the pines.” The pines in question are an extensive region of pine barrens between Albany and Schenectady, a small bit of which survives as the Albany Pine Bush Nature Preserve. They’ve got a nice little nature center and some trails… Continue reading 036/366: Pine Bush

Categorized as 366, Pictures

035/366: Trike Rack

The Pip's bike in the rack at the Co-Op.

Another fall day, another holiday closing at the JCC. I was home with The Pip for most of the day, which was the usual mix of fun, exhausting, and puzzling. For example, while I offered several times to go out to a playground before lunch, he refused. But then insisted that we walk to the… Continue reading 035/366: Trike Rack

Categorized as 366, Pictures

034/366: Dinner

Pork chops on the grill.

A big chunk of Sunday was lost to a wretched cold– despite a two-hour afternoon nap, I was asleep by 10pm– but I did get the camera out for a bit while doing some late-season grilling: Not the most amazing photo, I know (though it does take deliberate work to get those cross-hatched grill marks…),… Continue reading 034/366: Dinner

033/366: Ommmm…..

The Pip "meditating."

Saturdays are the busiest days around Chateau Steelypips, with both SteelyKid and The Pip having soccer in the morning (in two different places), then lunch, then some sort of activity for the afternoon. Yesterday, this was a party for one of SteelyKid’s friends. And last night, there was a Movie Night at SteelyKid’s BFF’s house,… Continue reading 033/366: Ommmm…..

032/366: Symmetry

Two tree trunks in a park near Chateau Steelypips.

Took the camera along this afternoon when I took Emmy for a walk (Kate and I are going to see The Martian tonight, so Emmy got an early dinner and stroll), and took pictures of a bunch of random stuff in a little park near our house. Including these two pictures pasted together into one:… Continue reading 032/366: Symmetry

Categorized as 366, Pictures

031/366: It Begins

The first fall colors from the maple tree out front.

It’s October 1, aka “the day it starts being hard to keep track of what number photo we’re on,” and we’re officially into Fall here in the Northeast US. Accordingly, it’s a bit chilly (about 30F colder than a week ago), and while most of the leaves are still green, we’re starting to see some… Continue reading 031/366: It Begins

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