028/366: Peek-a-Bench

The Pip grinning from behind a bench.

The JCC day care is closed today and tomorrow for the start of Sukkot, so as a result, I spent most of the day home with The Pip (SteelyKid went off to school as usual). Which means I got a whole bunch of photos of him playing at home and at a couple of local parks.

The best for photo-of-the-day purposes was this one of him looking out from behind a wooden bench at one of the parks:

The Pip grinning from behind a bench.
The Pip grinning from behind a bench.

I like the way the bench and the concrete pavers behind it are basically monochrome, making his face and hair really stand out. Probably would be even more striking with a different color shirt, but it’s not like he considers my photo aesthetics when selecting the superhero short of the day…