The Social Construction of Gravity

One of the more annoying points of contention back in the days of the Sokal hoax and the “Science Wars” was an argument over social construction. This is, loosely speaking, the idea that our understanding of the world is not strictly rational and objective, but is heavily influenced by interactions with other people, and the […]

Super Pip!

SteelyKid’s gotten a bunch of press here recently, so it’s time to give her brother his due. So here’s a cute picture of The Pip from this afternoon (as the “featured image”– if you read via RSS, you’ll have to click through). He’s wearing a “superhero cape” made from a fuzzy blanket, because SteelyKid was […]

Work. Finish. Publish.

A couple of days ago, John Scalzi posted a writing advice open thread, asking people to share the best advice they’d gotten on the craft of writing. There’s a lot of good stuff in there, much of it fairly specific to fiction writing– stuff about plotting, the use of synonyms for “said,” how to keep […]

Five Billion Years of Solitude by Lee Billings

It’s taken me a disgracefully long time to finish the review copy of Lee Billings’s Five Billion Years of Solitude I was sent back in the fall, mostly because I didn’t read anything not immediately related to the book-in-progress for most of November and all of December. Which is to say, the long delay is […]