Links for 2011-08-21

Law, economics, and politics § Unqualified Offerings "This is a musing on large bureaucratic organizations. I have noticed that some people get frustrated because they do not understand that law, economics, and politics are distinct things and they are not equally persuasive as arguments."

Links for 2011-08-20

Things I can only teach you in research § Unqualified Offerings "When I’m teaching a regular class, I know the answer. Or I don’t know the answer, but I think I do. Or I know I don’t know the answer for sure, but I’m “pretty sure” what the answer is and I’m winging it because […]

Links for 2011-08-19

Jason Gay: Recreational Sports: It’s Not Mortal Combat – "Everybody who plays a sport for fun has encountered a Serious Guy (or a Serious Girl). A Serious Guy turns 3-on-3 into a curse-filled nightmare. A Serious Guy makes backyard badminton feel like tax preparation, and elevates meaningless Wiffle ball into Game 7. A Serious […]

Thursday Balance Blogging

For this week’s Toddler Blogging, here’s a dad’s eye view of one of today’s playground activities: walking the 4×4 border on the sand playground as if it was a balance beam. She doesn’t actually need to hold my hand to walk this, but it makes her happier. I snapped that with my phone, expecting her […]

Links for 2011-07-18

What is journalism worth? "What is journalism worth? That’s the question journalism managers and entrepreneurs have been trying to figure out ever since it became clear, years ago, that the Internet was disrupting local publishing monopolies. And so we’ve endured years of conference panels, email exchanges, and blog posts about paywalls and paid content strategies, […]