Science on the Tree 2010: Literature

Continuing our series of science-themed Christmas tree ornaments, we have this cute pair of reading bears: “But wait,” you say, “reading isn’t a science!” Ah, but while reading itself may not be a science, science is nothing without the scientific literature. The really essential step in the process of science is the communication of scientific […]

Links for 2010-12-21

Tron | Film | Better Late Than Never? | The A.V. Club “What’s odd about all this is that the more I see these movies, the more I become convinced they could have been used in happy little object lessons about how God wants only to save us. That includes Tron, a mostly mediocre-to-awful film […]

Links for 2010-12-20

Let It Dough! – A different take on Christmas cookies. (tags: art pictures holiday nytimes) Crash Test: 2009 Malibu vs. 1959 Bel Air | Wired Science | “Not sure why they (whoever they are) did this test, but it is pretty cool. This is a crash test between an old and new car. Check […]

Links for 2010-12-19

slacktivist: One win; one loss “At the end of the day, what this means is that if you want to serve your country and put your life on the line to defend the freedoms enjoyed by Republican U.S. senators, those senators will begrudgingly and belatedly allow you to do so if you are gay or […]

Replacement for Delicious?

As has been mentioned in countless places over the last few days, Yahoo plans to shut down Delicious, the social bookmark service that lots of people use for lots of things. My interest in it is pretty narrow, but important for this blog: I use Delicious to generate the quasi-automatic daily Links Dump postings here. […]

Links for 2010-12-18

Eric Cornell: an experimental maestro – “Winning the Nobel prize aged just 39 could easily have gone to the head of Eric Cornell, the physicist who shared the 2001 prize for creating the world’s first Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). But when Physics World reporter, James Dacey, caught up with Cornell he encountered a firmly grounded […]

Friday Invalid Blogging

I sprained my ankle yesterday. That’s not an official medical diagnosis– I have a doctor appointment later today to get that– but I’ve done this before, and I know the feeling. Sadly, I did not injure myself saving orphans from a burning building (as I usually do on Thursdays), or while dunking a depleted-uranium basketball […]

Links for 2010-12-17

Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » QCut “Let me end this post with a request: I want all of my readers to visit the YouCut page, and propose that quantum computing and theoretical computer science research be completely eliminated.  Here’s my own CAREER Award; go ahead and cite it by number as a particularly egregious example of government […]