Are You Feeling Festive?

I get sent a lot of publicity material by people hoping I’ll mention it on the blog, but because I’m a terrible person, very little of it actually gets used. One thing that shouldn’t be allowed to slip through the cracks, though, is the announcement of the program for the 2009 World Science Festival, June 11-14 in New York City.

There’s a lot of interesting stuff there. The emails I got specifically mentioned the Opening Gala, which I suspect is likely to be a little more expensive than I’d like. Unless some New York based science magazine were willing to cough up some, let’s call it “seed money,” to let me go for free…

Actually, as cool as E.O. Wilson is, I’d be more interested in some of the more physics-themed events. Fortunately, there are a lot of those, too:

And plenty of other stuff. Go over there and check it out, and if you’re within easy striking distance of The City, consider going to some of the events.