"[N]o, it’s not an overstatement or an uncharitable characterization to say that anyone swallowing this ACORN-scapegoating is insane and a racist bastard. This is a baseless assertion that begins with the argument that poor people and black people are the powers that be in America — that they run the show. That’s insane. It’s laughable on its face to anyone not infected by the voluntary mental illness of old-fashioned American racism."
"What came to me as I sat watching this weekend, however, was a sudden sharp reminder of why I’ve found the nastiest attacks on Obama so gut-wrenchingly repellant. It’s not that they are in some simple, crude fashion “racist”. It’s that the ugliest talk wants to take what should be straightforwardly positive about Obama’s personal history and turn it into something definitionally and generically suspicious, as if anyone with his multiracial background or multicultural experience must be a hidden poison for the national body politic."
""My fellow Americans, the time for running aimlessly through streets while shrieking and waving our arms above our heads is now," Bush said."
A very detailed worked example, with screen shots.
It works with dogs, too.