Fred Clark of Slacktivist points to the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, and specifically their Banners Across America project: NRCAT is making June the month for Banners Across America! We are asking congregations of all sizes, from every state, and all faiths, to join in a public witness against torture by displaying a banner outside… Continue reading Torture Is Wrong
Month: May 2008
links for 2008-05-21
FemaleScienceProfessor: The Five Stages of Proposal Writing Six, if you live in a trailer park. (tags: academia science economics) slacktivist: Bacchanal “I haven’t seen Prince Caspian yet, but since it was the “No. 1 Movie” this weekend, let’s revisit what that wonderful little book was about: Prince Caspian is about beer.” (tags: books movies literature… Continue reading links for 2008-05-21
Assume a Spherical FutureBaby…
Welcome to today’s exciting episode of “How Big a Dork Am I?” Today, we’ll be discussing the making of unnecessary models: In this graph, the blue points represent the average mass in grams of a fetus at a given week of gestation, while the red line is the mass predicted by a simple model treating… Continue reading Assume a Spherical FutureBaby…
If You Look Closely, You Can Make Out the Jet Pack
I think it’s the bright thing right in the middle of this ultrasound image. Because, of course, in the Future we’ll all have personal jet packs, even the babies… A somewhat more recognizable picture:
Non-Dorky Poll: The Creepiest Song in the World
The new Death Cab for Cutie album was released last week, and I’ve been intermittently earwormed with the first single, “I Will Possess Your Heart.” And, wow, is that one of the creepiest songs ever– you get the sense that he’s not entirely sure whether he needs to possess the rest of her, or if… Continue reading Non-Dorky Poll: The Creepiest Song in the World
McCain is Radioactive
Matt Nisbet has a post up talking about McCain’s environment ad, and linking to a Media Curves study tracking people’s reactions to the spot. What’s interesting from the results, is that in the beginning of the ad, Democrats respond positively to the opening pandora’s box frame focusing on hurricanes, all three partisan groups decline in… Continue reading McCain is Radioactive
links for 2008-05-20
New family of quaternary iron-based compounds superconducts at tens of kelvin – Physics Today May 2008 “Last year it looked as though high-Tc superconductivity takes place only in CuO2 planes. Now that LaOFeAs has broken the cuprates’ monopoly, what other superconductors wait to be discovered?” (tags: physics materials energy science news) The Twin Paradox A… Continue reading links for 2008-05-20
Religion, Happiness, and History
Kevin Drum wades into a discussion over a claim that religion leads to happiness (started by Will Wilkinson and picked up by Ross Douthat), and offers an alternate theory for why religious people are happier in America by unhappier in Europe: This is way outside my wheelhouse, but here’s another possibility: Europe has suffered through… Continue reading Religion, Happiness, and History
Time Dilates When You’re Chasing Bunnies
We’re just starting out on a walk, and no sooner do I open the gate from the back yard than the dog takes off at a run, hitting the end of the leash and nearly pulling my arm out of the socket. “Whoa, there,” I say. “Take it easy.” “Come on,” she says, “We need… Continue reading Time Dilates When You’re Chasing Bunnies
Compare and Contrast
Mike Hoye rides the Tokyo subway and takes a picture of it: Here’s my view of the same scene (from this Flickr set): I really hope he was sitting down when he took that.