Easily Distracted » Blog Archive » In My Day… “[I]t would help, if you want to complain about the declining quality of the humanities, to not be a historical dunderhead on a fantastic scale, to demonstrate some degree of erudition.” (tags: academia humanities history society culture education)
Month: May 2008
Associate Professor Stemwedel
In happier news, Janet’s passed her tenure review. Go congratulate her.
RIP “RD,” 2003-2008
A few years ago, my father retired from public school teaching, and decided to get a dog to keep him company. He purchased a yellow Labrador Retreiver puppy, who was dubbed “RD” for “Ron’s Dog.” He started out small, but quickly grew into a barrel-chested lunkhead, who panted like a freight train whenever he saw… Continue reading RIP “RD,” 2003-2008
links for 2008-05-23
Thoughts from Kansas : Hurray for the primaries! “Good Lord, they’ve all gone crazy. It isn’t just Lanny Davis any more.” (tags: US politics video youtube silly) Astronomers watch as star dies – physicsworld.com “The source, now identified as SN 2008D, marks the first time a star has been caught turning into a “type-Ib” supernova”… Continue reading links for 2008-05-23
Ask the Internet
Where is my cell phone? Well?!? Where is it?
Publish or President?
The pinhead filling in for Colin Cowherd (himself a pinhead of epic proportions) yesterday on ESPN radio was unduly proud of himself for coming up with the following hypothetical (paraphrased from memory): Suppose that you had a choice between having your favorite candidate win the presidential election, or having your favorite sports team win a… Continue reading Publish or President?
Percentiles and Perspective
Kate’s doctor called back after the ultrasound Tuesday, and this time the news was all good– FutureBaby appears very healthy, and everything is as it should be. There was one interesting little quirk, though, having to do with the weight. Kate mentioned last night that FutureBaby’s estimated weight is in the 70th percentile for babies… Continue reading Percentiles and Perspective
links for 2008-05-22
Izzle! Izzle pfaff! “In the Name of the King is neither good nor bad, and yet it is both at once. In the Name of the King is the Schrodinger’s Cat of garbage movies; until watched, it remains in a state of quantum superposition, and then when it is watched, the waveform coll (tags: movies… Continue reading links for 2008-05-22
Dorky Poll: With or Without “t”?
It’s a simple question: Who do you prefer, Lorentz or Lorenz? Chaos butterflies, or time dilation. Choose only one.
Thank You for Listening
The Female Science Professor is musing about thank-yous at thesis defenses: When I was in grad school, a prominent faculty member (who was department chair near the end of my grad years) made it known that he hated the “thank you” part of the thesis defense and strongly discouraged students from including any sort of… Continue reading Thank You for Listening