Warning! Leering Demon Hand Zone!

Lest you think that people in the US are uniquely alarmist about threats to Chiiiiillllllldrruuuun, a picture from last summer’s trip to Japan:


I have absolutely no idea what that says, but it sure is lurid.


  1. Not that it really matters, but:

    “Not allowed! Suspicious people, Degenerates!!”

    Then (from right to left, and becoming very awkward for a straight translation):

    “Community, look after the community children!!”

    The small red text on the left:

    “We are looking after the community children. Criminals are not allowed!!”

    The bottom text seems to suggest this is a neighbourhood watch kind of poster, aimed at the residents. Pretty overwrought. Could I guess this was in a fairly rural or semi-rural area? It has that small-town claustrophobic feeling to it.

  2. Well, if you’d ask my wife who is from nearby Osaka she’d think describing Kyoto as a claustrophobic small town would be perfectly appropriate. 🙂

    But yes, it has the feeling of a very local (and rather amateurish – look at the illustration) thing; a neighbourhood watch on that block or something like it.

  3. Apparently you were about to enter a dungeon from the original Legend of Zelda on NES

  4. I love Japanese signage. 🙂 I saw a very similar sign once in a residential district maybe 20 minutes out of Tokyo. However the sign that I saw had a Spy vs. Spy lookalike kidnapping a boy and girl, not a giant devil hand.

    Didn’t take a picture of that one, but I do have a couple pictures of something that’s apparently “this water will eat your children”:


  5. I love Japanese signage. 🙂 I saw a very similar sign once in a residential district maybe 20 minutes out of Tokyo. However the sign that I saw had a Spy vs. Spy lookalike kidnapping a boy and girl, not a giant devil hand.

    Didn’t take a picture of that one, but I do have a couple pictures of something that’s apparently “this water will eat your children”:


  6. Doh, sorry for double post. The first attempt gave me a “500 Internal Server Error” message, so I tried again. Apparently I didn’t need to.

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