links for 2007-12-19

Monkeys perform arithmetic as well as college students I knew that. (tags: academia education biology math psychology news science) Merck Manual for Pet Health – Ferret Hit by an Arrow? Here’s a Book for You – New York Times The Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health: Home Edition: Because hypochondriacs have pets, too. (tags: animals medicine […]

Lazy Particle Physics Query

I could probably tease this information out of the Particle Data Group website, given enough time, but somebody with a background in particle physics can probably answer this in two seconds, so I appeal to the Internets: What is the shortest lifetime of a particle that has been directly detected? By “directly detected” I mean, […]

Kate and the Dragon

There’s a chance that, if I make a serious push this week, I can have a first pass through the book complete before Christmas. So, of course, I’m procrastinating madly. I understand it’s traditional to post pictures in these circumstances, so here’s one of my favorite shots from the Japan pictures: This is Kate getting […]

The Year in First Sentences

2006 Was Just This Year, You Know: I lost a lot of weight, read a lot of books, taught a lot of classes, did a bit of research, and oh, yeah, I got tenure. Dorky Poll: Favorite Tool: In the comments to the post where I noted how many more people had least favorite textbooks […]

Tree of SCIENCE!!! #6

Today’s ornament from the Tree of SCIENCE!!! is in honor of the cold water dripping into our kitchen cabinet yesterday: That’s a glass icicle, with bonus dramatic shadows. If you’re a homeowner, you might think that this stands for ice damming, but this is about SCIENCE!!! not property mishaps. This ornament stands for phase transitions.

links for 2007-12-18

Video Clip – The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2007 If you have 86 minutes to kill, go ahead. I watched the 1997 ceremony, which is where I learned that you don’t need to speak the language to identify a boring speech. (tags: Nobel video) St. Lawrence University: All-Nighters Equal Lower Grades ‘ “The data indicate […]

The Two-Fork Toothpick Trick, Explained

Last week, GrrlScientist posted a cool video showing a trick with two forks and a toothpick: – Watch more free videos It’s a nifty demonstration of some physics principles, so I thought I would explain how it works, with a couple of pictures (several of her commenters have the right idea, btw).

Tree of SCIENCE!!! #5

I’ve been scanting the physics content so far with the Tree of SCIENCE!!! posts, so here’s one from my own branch of science: This one is a little Santa/ elf guy with a one-man-band rig, which of course stands for the venerable science of acoustics.