Google Passeth All Understanding

As previously mentioned, I plan to end the book with a chapter on quantum flim-flam. As research for this, I’ve been looking at kook sites on the web, and Googled “quantum healing,” which turns up all manner of gibberish from Deepak Chopra. It also includes a helpful little item at the bottom of the page:

Searches related to: quantum healing

maurice chevalier hugh grant deepak chopra ectomorphic

The Chopra search makes sense, and “ectomorphic” is a gibberish word that shows up in that sort of stuff. But Maurice Chevalier? And Hugh Grant?

If I could just figure out the connection between Maurice Chevalier, Hugh Grant, and Deepak Chopra (none of them have ever been in my kitchen?), I bet I could make a billion dollars peddling quantum healing to ectomorphs…