The Love of a Good Dog

Natalie Angier has a piece in the Times this morning about the loss of a beloved pet cat: Cleo was almost 16 years old, she’d been sick, and her death was no surprise. Still, when I returned to a home without cats, without pets of any sort, I was startled by my grief — not… Continue reading The Love of a Good Dog

Mystery Anime Revisited

A little while back, I asked for help identifying some anime recommended by a Japanese fan. I have subsequently found the business card on which he wrote the titles: The first one looks like it is “Gurren-Lagann, so a shiny gold star for commenter Patrick. the second one is a total mystery to me. I… Continue reading Mystery Anime Revisited

College Sports: Perspective, Please

I missed the New York Times article about Rutgers professor William Dowling, who is campaiging against college sports, and has written a jeremiad on the subject and gotten it published by– slight irony alert– Penn State University Press. There are a lot of things to dislike about big-time college sports, starting with the rank hypocrisy… Continue reading College Sports: Perspective, Please

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