Dorky Poll: Euler or Erdos?

I’m going to be in Boston all day, visiting MIT with a bunch of students, so here’s a Dorky Poll to keep you entertained while I’m gone: Which E-name mathematician do you prefer: Leonhard Euler or Paul Erdös? They’re both famous, they both have Numbers, and they’re both dead. You almost literally can’t do physics… Continue reading Dorky Poll: Euler or Erdos?

Categorized as Math

links for 2007-10-09

The Booze News Because the world needs another web site dedicated to drunk college students (tags: academia stupid) Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education – Inside Higher Ed :: The Educrats’ Attack on Teaching Hugo Schwyzer goes to a workshop on “improving student learning outcomes,” then gets snarky about it. (tags: academia… Continue reading links for 2007-10-09

Categorized as Links Dump

Many Worlds, Many Blinking Lights

In the “You Learn Something New Every Day” file, I was double-checking some dates for the Many Worlds chapter, when I ran across the following at the end of the Wikipedia page for Hugh Everett III: Everett’s son, Mark Oliver Everett, is also known as “E”, the lead singer and songwriter for the band Eels.… Continue reading Many Worlds, Many Blinking Lights

Categorized as Music

links for 2007-10-08

BBC SPORT | Rugby Union | Laws & Equipment | Rugby union positions guide A guide to accompany the World Cup (tags: sports rugby) Particle-physics detector warms to forest fires – Physics World – New spin-off technology from CERN. Clearly, we must build the ILC! (tags: physics experiment gadgets science) Tom Baker Says… Via… Continue reading links for 2007-10-08

Categorized as Links Dump

Book Report

“Books? I like books!” Here’s the next occasional book progress update: