High-level discussion of the economics Nobel
Notes on the science of “social identity threat.”
Insurance: topping the list of industries that need to be blown up and started over.
Why does the Bush administration hate poor students?
So you think you know something about India? (Harder than the Korea questions)
Reviews of short fiction from SF magazines and websites (via Toby Buckell)
Step 1: delete all adjectives…
Featuring ScienceBlogs’ own Rob Knop…
I hated the second volume, but maybe he can redeem it…
An argument against “quirk culture,” via Bookslut
A negative-index material made from alternating layers of semiconductors. Includes a link to a longer description.
“[I]f you just decide at the age of 22 or 23 that there’s nothing you’re sufficiently passionate about to make you want to give up the stability and prosperity that comes with a corporate career, you’re not selling anything out, you’re just applying to la