Remake Poll 1: TV to Film

Pete Vonder Haar at Blog 9 from Outer Space is not enthusiastic about a Sex and the City movie. Neither am I, really, and this wouldn’t rate a post except for a passing mention:

At any rate, I’m sure a movie about a quartet of promiscuous 40- and 50-somethings will be much better than that Magnum P.I. adaptation Hollywood seems unable to make.

That made me stop for a second. I’m aware that Hollywood is utterly unable to come up with any good original ideas these days, but so far, they’ve mostly remade tv shows that I either had never seen, or didn’t much like when they were on (I hated The Dukes of Hazzard when I was a kid, which made me tremendously popular in the fifth grade…). I was unaware of any attempt to make a Magnum, P.I. movie, which would be the first time they picked up a show from my childhood that I actually liked.

I’m still not wild about the idea, mind, but it’s an interesting question to throw out there for a fuzzy-headed Monday morning:

If someone came to you and asked you to pick a tv show from your childhood to make into a movie, what show would it be?

For bonus points, suggest somebody to star in it.

(Nathan, we’ll just mark your vote for Airwolf down. Actually, that’s not a terrible idea…)