The people (well, person) who brought you the physics blog aggregator Mixed States have now rolled out a new biology-themed blog aggregator: Recombinants.
At the moment, it only has about six feeds going into it, and the content is about 70% PZ Myers, so head over there and suggest some biology feeds to be added to the mix.
unfortunately, the contact link is broken so no one CAN get in touch with Jeff. that might be the reason he only has 6 links there.
He’s a little bit late on this:
Postgenomic is the aggregators of all aggregators of biology aggregators . . . aggregator, aggregator, aggregator. Anyway, postgenomic is also hosted by our SEED overlords.
Is there something wrong with being 70% PZ Myers? Other than that it isn’t quite enough PZ Myers?
Not that we don’t love you PZ!
I suppose Andre and I are partly to blame, if we posted more it would only seem like 65% PZ. 😉
Are you kidding me? The contact link is broken? Son of a bitch.
Okay, fixed. Add a filesystem error on my host and forgot to put that plugin back up when I fixed it all. Sorry.