Clip File: College Advice

My deal with Forbes allows me to re-post content after a short-ish waiting period, but I mostly haven’t been doing that because I’m lazy. the last few times I’ve gone to look at old posts, though, the ads have been really oppressive, and I’m just generally paranoid about not having backup copies of some of these things, so I’m going to start pulling a few of the “greatest hits” (as it were) over here, and posting them in the “Clip File” category from the bar to the left.

The first batch of these went up just now, and are all college advice pieces from 2015-16:

Why Small College Are Great for Science Students

Planning to Study Science in College? Here’s Some Advice

Why Every College Student Needs to Take Science Classes

Why Scientists Should Study Art and Literature

Four Important Things to Consider when Choosing a College

Four Things You Should Expect to Get Out of College

There are some others in this vein in my Forbes archives, which I may copy over as well, but I need to make dinner now, so I’ll stop here for the moment. Anyway, for the half-dozen people out there who still use RSS readers and are wondering what the hell is going on, that’s the explanation.

UPDATE: I added two more to the list of college-advice pieces, these from 2017 and 2018:

7 Suggestions for Succeeding in Science in College

Why Science Is Essential for Liberal-Arts Education (And Vice Versa)

I think this completes the set of pieces with college advice that I want to keep around.