Clip File: Why Scientists Should Study Art and Literature

This post is part of a series of posts originally written for my blog at that I’m copying to my personal site, so I have a (more) stable (-ish) archive of them. This is just the text of the original post, from October 2015, without the images that appeared with it (which were mostly fairly generic photos of random works of art).

My “day job” is as a professor at Union College in Schenectady, NY, a small liberal arts college, and because of that, I’ve offered a bunch of academic advice. I’ve written about why small colleges are a great place to be a science majorwhat science students should study in college, and why non-science majors should take science classes. This covers most of the topics on which I’m most obviously qualified to give advice.

The obvious gap in this collection of advice is why science students ought to take non-science classes. I sort of feel like I shouldn’t need to write this, as essays defending the importance of the collection of academic disciplines known as “the humanities” (a term I hate, because it implies that the sciences are inhuman, which is very far from the truth) are an evergreen topic in writing about academia. Lots of scholars of arts and literature have written at great length about why the study of art and literature and history and philosophy and all the rest matters even in our modern, technological, consumerist age.

The problem is, I mostly hate what they come up with. I wouldn’t be where I am and do what I do if I didn’t believe that arts and literature and the study thereof have an important role in the world, but most of the defenses people offer are just maddening to me. They’re soaringly vague, or make grandly empty claims about “big questions” and “critical thinking” (as if those don’t come up in science), or attempt to distinguish themselves from science in a way that mostly serves to demonstrate that the author knows basically nothing about the practice of science. (One of these made me get a little rant-y yesterday, and is the proximate cause of this post.) They purport to be defending “the humanities” from attacks, but mostly just pander to the sensibilities of an educated elite who already agree with them.

I’ve read a lot of these, and hardly a week goes by without another one showing up in my various social-media feeds. But I’m consistently disappointed by the failure to articulate a clear, concrete case for the value of arts and literature in terms that make sense to somebody who isn’t already committed to these fields. Which I guess means I’ll have to make my own attempt at it.

So, what follows is an attempt by someone who is a scientist by training and inclination to give a reasonably specific and concrete argument for why even people who plan to pursue careers in the STEM fields ought to study “the humanities.” I’m trying to emphasize practical benefits here– not the crass “employers want ‘soft skills’ so taking English will help you get a job” sort (though if you want that, Forbes has you covered), but “this is how these subjects will help you be a better scientist or engineer”– because that’s what I usually find missing from these articles, and I suspect the same is true for many other people of a scientific bent.

So, why should students planning to major in STEM fields take “humanities” classes in college? What benefit does a future scientist derive from knowing something about art and literature?


The most important thing that literature does is to give you a glimpse of how the world looks according to someone who isn’t you. If you read a book, or watch a play or a film, you’re getting to spend a brief time looking at the world from somebody else’s perspective. Whether that’s the author, or the director, or the actors, or the characters they’re playing, literature will introduce you to people whose experience of the world has been vastly different than yours.

And that’s critically important because the vast majority of people in the world are not you. In fact, modulo the occasional alternate world scenario, you’re a minority of one.

This is critically important because as much as we might like to, science can’t be walled off from other concerns– science is done by people, and we all bring our own history and experiences to the process of doing science. You’ll need to work with, for, and sometimes around these people, and understanding how they look at the world can be enormously helpful to this process.

Literature can help with this. Not because any of the books you read will provide a perfect analogue for any of the people you meet, but because it’s good practice. If you read a wide range of literature, and study it carefully, you’ll gain experience in seeing how the world looks to other people. Which makes it that much easier the next time you have to deal with somebody– another scientist, a student, a manager or politician– whose perspective you need to understand to accomplish something you want to do.


In a similar vein, as much as we might like to close out the rest of the world to focus on specific research problems, science is necessarily done in a very specific context. We have to do our work within the world as it is, and consider how our work will affect the larger world in the future. To do that, it’s essential to know something about how the world works and how it got the way it is.

Literature can help a bit with this, but this is where history and philosophy play the biggest role. It’s important to understand not only the details of the current moment– who’s in charge of which countries, how much stuff they control, etc.– but also the big processes that shaped the current situation, and the ways of thinking about the world that motivate various groups of people.

Again, this is important not only because you pick up specific facts about specific countries– it’s probably impossible to learn everything you will ever need to know about every country you will ever need to deal with– but as a general practice. Studying the history and politics and philosophy of a few specific countries or regions will give you a sense of the general forces that operate, and some practice at finding and categorizing this information. Studying specific history is useful in the same way that learning one programming language makes it easier to pick up a completely different one later, or the way we study harmonic oscillators in physics not because physicists spend tons of time working with masses on springs but because that solution can serve as a useful and versatile approximation for studying lots of other problems.


The final and most important step in the process of science is communicating your results. This is what separates science from alchemy– the widespread dissemination of results lets other people build on new discoveries, which in turn powers the rapid advance of understanding that has led to the modern world. It’s not enough to have the right ideas, you need to get other people to understand them. Ernst Stueckelberg is a useful cautionary tale, here: he had basically the full theory of quantum electrodynamics worked out a decade or so before Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga, but he published his results in an obscure journal in idiosyncratic notation, and as a result they got the Nobel and he remains basically unknown.

If you want to succeed in science, you need to know how to communicate, and art and literature are all about communication. Reading, watching, and studying will help you learn how to make a connection with others through various media. Understanding what works and why will make you a more effective communicator, and that will make you a better scientist.

The obvious rejoinder here is that academic writing mostly sucks, so why waste time learning to write like a literature professor? But, again, this can be useful practice without being directly useful. You probably won’t be called on to write in the style of a literary scholar in the course of a career in science (unless you plan to pull a prank), but you will be forced to write in a bunch of different styles, not all of them ones that you’ll find congenial– both academia and industry are infested with “mission statements” and the like, and if you’re any good at what you do you will someday be asked to contribute to these. Getting practice in writing lots of different styles, even ones you find kind of pointless, will be helpful when you need to differentiate a paper from a grant proposal from a popular article.

Having raised, however parenthetically, the specter of the Sokal Hoax, this is probably a good place to discuss the issue of “post-modernism” and other widely derided bits of academic “humanities.” It’s common in scientific circles to point at a cartoon version of this stuff and laugh, taking it as evidence that modern scholarship in the arts and literature is all made-up nonsense buried in obscurantist jargon.

While I have a low opinion of the information content of a lot of scholarly writing, it’s a mistake to completely write off “post-modernism” and the various other much-mocked “-isms” that cluster around it. There’s a crucial insight at the heart of all this stuff, having to do with communication, namely that what really matters is not what you intend to say, but how the person on the other end receives your message. This sort of bridges all three of my items above, as it means that effectively communicating with others requires making an effort to understand the likely perspectives of your audience, and that in turn requires knowing something about their context.

This might not seem terribly consequential, but it’s something you neglect at your own peril. Failure to think about how a message will be received is at the heart of any number of spectacular recent flameouts, like the shirtstorm and the neverending Tim Hunt fiasco.

So, there’s my attempt at making a case for why even scientists need to study the arts, literature, history, philosophy, and whatever else we’re lumping together as “the humanities” this week. Ultimately, of course, the best reason to study these subjects is exactly the same as the best reason to study science: because they’re fascinating in their own right. But even beyond that, there are concrete practical benefits to studying these subjects; far from being a waste of time that could be spent on more science and math, studying art and literature will make you a better, more successful scientist.

(And, incidentally, a better, more interesting human being. But that should go without saying…)