Clip File: Quantum Weirdness

My deal with Forbes allows me to re-post stuff I wrote for them after a short exclusivity window, and I’ve recently decided that I would like to have a more stable, ad-free archive of some of those posts, so I’m putting them together in the “Clip File” category in the menu at left. This batch collects a bunch of posts about weird features of quantum physics; some of them lost images to Forbes platform changes even before being copied here; I will try to replace them later, but make no promises.

What the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Really Means

How Quantum Entanglement Can Help You Understand Many-Worlds

Why Do Interpretations of Quantum Physics Matter?

Why Do We Think Quantum Mechanics Is Weird?

The Weirdest Thing About Quantum Physics

These are topics I could probably write about endlessly, just repeating the same basic points over and over, and to some extent, I have. I’m a little tired of that, though, so it’s kind of nice to pull a bunch of the best versions of these into one place, and just say “Here, read these.”