The Seed Story

The Pip’s seed story

I’ve gotten away from the thing where I transcribe papers the kids bring home from school, but the latest from the Pip is just too good not to share. It’s a paper with a picture of a watering can, and the prompt I found a seed on my way home from school. followed by a bunch of blank lines in which to write a story (trying to accurately reproduce his spelling and punctuation):

I found a seed on my way home from school. I carefully picked it up and took it to my house to plant it in my garden. When I got home I still didn’t know what tipe of seed it was. I walked into the kitchen. “Hi mom, Hi dad,” I said. “How was you day at school?” my mom asked. “Good,” I said paying no atention to her. “Hey mom,” I said, “Do you know what kind of seed this is?” I showed her the seed. “Hmm,” she said. “It looks like a sunflower seed.” “You know what, how about you plant it and see.” “You read my mind, mom,” I said. Quickly, I raced to the garden and planted it. I watered it and the next it grew! It was a sunflower! It was also bigger than me! Then a bunch of bees attacked me. I swallowed one, two, or a million bees and three flys.

Truly, he is a master of the twist ending…