Atomic Armpit

I’ve gotten out of the habit of sharing cute-kid stuff on a regular basis, mostly because there’s less free time in which to do that. The kids are sleeping in this morning, though, so here is the opening of the book that The Pip decided to start writing the other night.

The opening page of The Pip’s new book.

(The transcript below has some of the spelling cleaned up a bit.)

Origin Story

Hello, my name is Nick Astro (A.K.A. Atomic Armpit). I wasn’t always a super hero. I used to be an ordinary business man, until I accidentally fell into a nucular substance that my scientist friend was presenting to me. After they pulled me out I was covered in a toxic stench, Luckily my scientist friend found a way to control the stench. Then he suggested I use my stench for good. After all it was so toxic that it could burn your nose hairs! Ever since that day, my life was never the same.

It’s very seven-year-old-boy, but I’m curious to know where it goes from there…