I heard this was coming a couple of weeks ago (though not exactly when it would run): the New York Times has run a review of Breakfast with Einstein, together with two other books featuring Einstein’s name in the title: From Black Holes to Breakfast, Three Books Show How Einstein’s Legacy Lives On:

Using his morning routine as an example, Orzel sets out to show the reader how quantum physics is a part of our everyday lives, and he largely succeeds in this informative and friendly book. He gives clear, detailed explanations of a wide variety of quotidian physical phenomena and how we came to understand them. Indeed, the book is largely dedicated to revealing that the quantum is ordinary, that there is magic in the mundane.

(That’s the second paragraph; you can click through to read the whole thing…)

This is the second of my books to make an appearance in the Paper of Record– How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog made it a few years back– so obviously, I’m pretty excited to have the recognition. Definitely a nice discovery as I sat down at my computer with my breakfast…