Photos of the Week 2018-03-25

The big event of the last week was one last trip up to Lapland Lake last Sunday for some late-season skiing:

Ski trail by the creek at Lapland Lake.

This was supposed to be me, the kids, and my parents (Kate had a conference call she needed to be home for), but The Pip sprained his ankle at his after-school program on Friday, and was still hopping around on one foot only. So we met for lunch at a diner, and then my parents took him shopping while I took SteelyKid skiing. Of course, she had a lesson scheduled, and then the “Reindeer Rally” kids’ program, so this basically meant I got to ski by myself for most of the afternoon. I did a total of around 12km, which was a good deal of fun, but left me walking rather slowly on Monday…

I also did a little “poor man’s GoPro” video, holding my phone in front of me on one of the gentler sections of trail:

The kids have really gotten into reading of late, abandoning our prior morning routine of playing games on my cell phone in favor of reading graphic novels at a furious rate. Thank God for the local library:

Some, but not all, of the library books the kids have checked out recently.

And while I don’t have any good kid photos for this week, I did get a decent shot of Charlie the pupper frolicking around the dog park with a lacrosse ball he found in the snow. Sadly, there weren’t any other dogs there that day, but he had a nice romp all the same.

Charlie the pupper is very pleased with the lacrosse ball he found at the dog park.

And those are your photos of the week…