Photos of the Week 2018-03-17

Not a lot of photo activity this week, but we did have a good deal of fun the other night building things from the Kiwi crates that the kids got as a Christmas present. This month’s crate for The Pip was a “claw game” set, and he’s very pleased with the grabber he assembled from pre-cut wooden parts:

The Pip with the claw he built from his Kiwi crate.

For her part, SteelyKid got a kit to build a spin-art set, with a little electric motor that spins a wooden disk holding a piece of paper. You drip paint on the spinning paper, and art ensues…

SteelyKid and her spin art device.

(Happily, this is all set up inside the box that the whole thing came in, to minimize paint splatter…)

The best picture from the past week, in photographic terms, is probably this shot of Kate and Charlie the pupper:

Kate and Charlie the pupper on the hillside near the Niskayuna dog park.

This was taken on a family trip to the Niskayuna dog park. We tried to do a bit of sledding on the hill next to the park, which covers what used to be the town dump, thus the garish green vent pipes making it look like a lost set from some Prisoner era British sci-fi show. I like the contrast between Kate’s red coat and the green pipes, and Charlie’s dark fur against the white snow.