Photos of the Week 2018-03-10

There wasn’t a photo-of-the-week post last week because I was on the road for work, and didn’t have time to edit and post pictures. The trip– to Las Vegas for a meeting of the APS’s Committee on Informing the Public– almost didn’t happen because of last Friday’s snowstorm, which canceled quite a few flights. Southwest flew in and out of Albany more or less on time, though, so I was able to go after all.

The snow also closed school, so we had some fun with the sillyheads in the back yard:

SteelyKid knocking snow off the roof of the kids’ play set.

And, of course, a second storm came through on Wednesday this week, though this one was a bit of a fizzle as far as snow totals up here were concerned. The local schools all shut down, and the snow-day day care announced well in advance that they were closing early, but by the time they closed, hardly any snow had fallen. So I ended up needing to bring the kids to my Wednesday afternoon class for no good reason. At least I got some cool chalk art from SteelyKid out of the deal, though:

Classroom chalk art by SteelyKid.

And, of course, snow on a college campus leads to random shows of ambition and creativity on the part of the students:

Snowman by the Nott Memorial, shot with Schaffer Library in the background.

A special shout-out to whoever built this giant arch across the shortcut path running from the main dorm area up to the campus center:

Student walking through a random snow arch on the rugby field.
Random snow arch, broken at the end of the day.

And, of course, no photo-of-the-week post would be complete without some cute-kid content, so here’s a shot recreating a pose from 2013:

Left: Sillyheads in March 2013; Right: same pose in March 2018.

They’ve grown just a little in the last five years…