Charles Darwin is generally remembered as the guy who came up with the theory of evolution. Only, he wasn’t the first– his own grandfather wrote poetry about evolution in the 1790’s. So why is Charles an icon of science? It all comes down to stamp collecting…
Video: Bridge to Dark Matter
A short video explaining how the astronomer Vera Rubin discovered dark matter through the same process you use when playing a few hands of bridge.
Video: Quantum Crosswords
A short video based on Chapter 8 of Eureka, explaining how the history of quantum physics is like solving a crossword puzzle:
Video: Schrödinger’s Dog
A dramatic reading of the dog dialogue from Chapter 3 of How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog.
Video: Canine Zeno Effect
A dramatic reading of the dog dialogue from Chapter 5 of How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog.
Video: Many Worlds, Many Treats
A dramatic reading of Chapter 4 of How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog.
Video: Looking for the Bacon Boson
A dramatic reading of the dog dialogue from Chapter 8 of How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog.
Video: What Is Color?
Short video entered in the 2014 Flame Challenge, attempting to answer the question “What is color?” in terms an 11-year-old could understand/