Physics Blogging Round-Up: First Quarter 2020

Well, it’s certainly been a weird year to this point… It has, at least, included a bit of physics blogging, three months of which I’ll collect here for your convenience:

Why Should Non-Physicists Learn About Quantum Mechanics?: I get this question fairly often, so here’s an answer.

In Praise Of “Normal Science”: This one got me a lot of angry tweets from philosophers, but it’s not really about them.

Coronavirus And the Future Of Physics Conferences: Written very hastily after the last-minute cancellation of the American Physical Society’s March Meeting, a move which looks a lot better now than it did in the moment…

Social Distancing During The Coronavirus Outbreak Is The Perfect Time To Do Some Science: A pitch for at-home experiments, at a time when I was hastily developing at-home activities to assign students in my Spring term class.

This is a shorter list than usual because I took the month of February off from blogging, for a bunch of reasons. I’ve put up a lot of stuff already in April, though, as working from home makes blogging more attractive…