The March Meeting in Twitter Threads III

Same deal as with the previous two posts, but only one partial session because I needed to leave to drive home from the meeting. It was a “Focus” session with one 36-minute invited talk and a bunch of 12-minute contributed talks, though, so even though I left in the middle, it’s a bunch of threads:

And then one thread from someone who isn’t me, based on a discussion I had with some other folks about teaching quantum information/ quantum computing at an undergraduate level. This is a thing I may end up doing in the near-ish future, so I was interested to see if anybody else had brilliant ideas. Sadly, they mostly came from the same position, but we did have some useful conversation that was summarized in this thread by Peter Brereton from the US Naval Academy:

And that was pretty much that for the March Meeting. I felt like crap for most of it, thanks to this awful cold, which reduced the number of talks I was able to sit through, but I still saw some cool stuff. There was also less socialization and more feeling miserable in hotel rooms than I would’ve liked, but, you know, such is life.