The March Meeting in Twitter Threads

I’m at the March Meeting this week, where I’m doing a bit of live-tweeting of conference talks. This serves as a form of note-taking, to help fix things in my mind for later use. Of course, the deliberately ephemeral nature of Twitter makes it a sub-optimal tool for taking notes…

So I’m going to try collecting these on the blog. The following are links to the first posts in threads about some of the talks I attended, so hopefully clicking on any of them will get you the whole thing.

First up, some twisted graphene:

And the some superconducting hydrides at ultra-high pressure:

Then the afternoon session on quantum foundations:

And a final joke:

It was a long day, but provided at least two future blog posts’ worth of material, assuming I can wrest enough free time to write them out of the million other things I have going on.