Advance Reader Copies of BREAKFAST WITH EINSTEIN.

Pretty much what the title says: Breakfast with Einstein was reviewed in Publishers Weekly:

Orzel (How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog) offers another helpful guide to modern physics, using an especially creative hook. After describing in the introduction a typical morning routine—waking up, making breakfast, checking his computer—Orzel breaks those actions down in order to “show how an ordinary weekday routine depends on some of the weirdest phenomena ever discovered.” For example, his alarm clock allows him to discuss, cogently, how the “modern accounting of time” that the device embodies is “deeply rooted in the quantum physics of atoms.”

(It’s tempting to quote more, but as is their wont, the whole thing is just one paragraph, so that doesn’t seem right… You can click through for the rest.)

We’re under one month out from the release date for the US edition, now. And, of course, the UK edition has been out for a while, if you’re in an area where that would be on sale…