Physics Blogging Round-Up: Second Quarter 2018

A few months back I did a round-up of Forbes posts for the first three months of 2018. I said at the time that I’d try to do these more regularly, but clearly that hasn’t happened. So here’s a round-up from April through June:

(Technically, there’s a week-and-a-bit left in June as I write this, so there’s an outside chance I might blog again, but odds aren’t good, and I have time now to do this, so I’ll put up the post now and maybe edit it later)

As always, a reasonably wide range of stuff, and responses to that stuff. I was really happy with the liberal arts and basketball physics posts, but neither got as much traffic as I would’ve liked. I was also a little surprised that the replication thing didn’t get more of a reaction, even if only from social scientists blasting me for being a smug and arrogant physicist.

Such is the blogging life, though…