Well, on video over the web, anyway… If you look at the Featured Videos on the National Geographic Channel web page, or, hopefully, in the embedded video below: You’ll see a short video clip of a program about quantum physics, that includes me and Emmy among the experts on camera. I’m pretty psyched, though I’m… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Dog On TV
Category: Video
Toddler On Wheels
SteelyKid and Kate are down in Boston this weekend, which has given me time to get some work done around the house, and go to some restaurants that they don’t like. It’s left me a little deprived of cute, though. So, as a counter to that, some cute video of SteelyKid riding her “motorcycle” (her… Continue reading Toddler On Wheels
Programming Note
Since people have asked about the lack of Thursday Toddler Blogging to this point, here’s an update: We had a bit of a meltdown last night at dinner, which ended with SteelyKid asking to go to bed an hour earlier than usual. This morning, she slept in, and we got a bunch more snow overnight,… Continue reading Programming Note
People Dancing
I’ve been watching the Al Jazeera English livestream off and on this week to keep up with events in Egypt. At some point, SteelyKid came in while I had it on, saw shots of the cheering crowds from Tuesday, and said “People dancing!” Sometime on Wednesday, she marched over to me, and demanded to watch… Continue reading People Dancing
What Counts As Successful Outreach?
Part of this past weekend’s meeting of the Committee on Informing the Public was to evaluate 100+ proposals for “mini-grants” of up to $10,000 for new outreach activities. It wouldn’t be appropriate to go into detail about any of the proposals or what we decided (the PI’s of the proposals we decided to fund will… Continue reading What Counts As Successful Outreach?
Award-Worthy Campaign Ad
The New York Times has a video highlighting particularly clever campaign commercials in the New York area, which includes this spot from my uncle John Orzel’s state senate campaign: I’m not aware of any polling regarding the race, so I have no idea how things will turn out next Tuesday. The word from my parents… Continue reading Award-Worthy Campaign Ad
SteelyKid’s Book Hour
This is a couple weeks old, but I only just got around to uploading it. It should give you some idea of what it’s like reading books with SteelyKid, though: That’s Kate and SteelyKid going through some of Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go. SteelyKid is big into pointing things out in… Continue reading SteelyKid’s Book Hour
SteelyKid Music Selection
We’re trying not to let SteelyKid watch a whole lot of tv, but we’ve taken to showing her YouTube videos of old Sesame Street and Muppet Show skits as a way to wind her down before bedtime. this, of course, has let to her demanding to watch videos any time one of us is anywhere… Continue reading SteelyKid Music Selection
Don’t Be a Dick
I’m probably about the last person with an interest in such things to get around to watching Phil Plait’s (in)famous “Don’t Be a Dick” speech, but I finally got around to it, and it’s really excellent: Phil Plait – Don’t Be A Dick from JREF on Vimeo. Phil has posted about the speech itself, online… Continue reading Don’t Be a Dick
Media Skills for Scientists
Everybody’s favorite science-and-politics blogger has posted a video clip showing part of what’s wrong in science communication. It’s a clip from the BBC from last December, featuring one of those head-to-head quasi-debates about “Climategate” between Prof. Andrew Watson of the University of East Anglia and political consultant Marc Morano, who has made himself a nice… Continue reading Media Skills for Scientists