Hey to Mike Kozlowski

1) Kate and I went to a New Year’s party at the home of a colleague in Math, whose kids got a Wii for Christmas. We spent a while playing with it, and it’s way more interesting than any other gaming system I’ve seen in years. 2) Windows Vista sucks ass. Evidence: It is incapable… Continue reading Hey to Mike Kozlowski

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Idle Consumer Electronics Question

Why does my new car stereo (with spiffy direct iPod connection) come with a remote control? Just where do they think I’m going to go?

Categorized as Technology

Tree of SCIENCE!!! #4

Here’s where things on the Tree of SCIENCE!!! start to get more interesting, and somewhat more obscure: Yes, that’s a small wooden Christmas tree ornament hanging on our full-size Christmas tree. What’s this have to do with SCIENCE!!!? Well, obviously, it represents recursion.

My New Tablet PC

Important Notice: I am not interested in what Cory Doctorow has termed “helpiness” (in analogy with Stephen Colbert’s “truthiness”) namely comments that have the general syntactical form of useful advice, without the content of useful advice. I don’t want to hear about how I really should’ve bought a Mac, or ought to be running Linux,… Continue reading My New Tablet PC

Categorized as Technology

Tablet PC Software Query

As mentioned a while back, I recently obtained a Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet PC, which I’ve been playing around with a bunch. I like it quite a bit– the handwriting recognition is a whole lot better than the older Toshiba model I used for a while last year, and the interface works a little more… Continue reading Tablet PC Software Query

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Social Networks Do the Darnedest Things

I’m currently getting trounced in Scrabble on Facebook, though I’m playing the game under protest: How can they possibly say that “ZA,” “KA,” and “AE” are English words, but “KABOOM” is not? The stupid thing is rigged. Anyway, I’ve been playing around with this social network business for a little while now, and it’s kind… Continue reading Social Networks Do the Darnedest Things

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