Ad Astra Per Aspera II: The Climbening

A bunch of heavy stuff on the blog today– quantum physics, insulting journalists, political activism. Here’s a cute baby video to lighten the mood: This is Steelyid demonstrating her climbing prowess, just in case anybody suspected that Saturday’s filler picture was staged. She can actually go quite a bit faster than this, but she kept… Continue reading Ad Astra Per Aspera II: The Climbening

Ad Astra Per Aspera

SteelyKid shows off her recently expanded climbing ability: I could attempt to make a strained connection to the Fourth of July by making some analogy between a baby climbing stairs and the need for constant slow improvement in the national character, or some such. But really, it’s just a cute baby picture being posted as… Continue reading Ad Astra Per Aspera

Thursday Baby Blogging 070209

SteelyKid has recovered her usual energy level, as you can tell by the giant debris field she’s created in the living room: Looking at her there, among the scattered toys with Appa, you might be saying “Boy, what a great big baby she is!” It’s all a matter of perspective, though:

Baby Swimwear Note

Whoever came up with the idea of making little string bikinis in infant sizes should be beaten to death with Barbie dolls. Seriously. The world does not need 6-9 month size versions of the useless “swimwear” that gets modeled in Sports Illustrated. We barely need the adult versions.

Thursday Baby Blogging 062509

SteelyKid is pondering a life as a costumed crime-fighter– she’s got the pseudonym for it, after all– and here we see her trying out a catchphrase to strike fear into the hearts of naughty people: “Spooooon!!!” Actually, that’s lifted from somebody else. Probably needs more work. The traditional Appa-for-scale picture:

Thursday Baby Blogging 061109

You get Baby Blogging early today, because I have a ton of grading to finish today, and don’t have time for bloggy things. This week, SteelyKid shows off two new-ish skills: She can stand up, and she’s strong enough to lift a bison! Look out, world…

Our Little Hoodie Baby

SteelyKid attempts to show off her street cred: Of course, her attempt at looking tough is kind of undermined by the Princess Tutu type duck on her hoodie… That’s ok, though, because it’s all fun: