Bonus Baby Blogging

The Cutest Vaudeville Convict in the Universe says “Hi!” SteelyKid is fourteen months old today. Between the arbitrary numerical signifier and the outfit, how could we not do some bonus Baby Blogging?

The Re-Training Begins

Sunday morning, Chateau Steelypips: Everybody’s in the library. Why does SteelyKid look so pleased with herself, you ask? Because she’s found a new game:

Thursday Baby Blogging 100109

SteelyKid says, “Baby Blogging time again? Can it wait? I’m in the middle of a book…” She is her parents’ daughter… And also a Great Big Baby, as you can see from this picture of her cuddling Appa:


I’m working on a badly-neglected project this morning, so here are a couple of pictures of SteelyKid from yesterday’s trip to the park. (You can see more in my Flickr sets, linked at left.) This one gets you the basic idea of what it’s like taking a very active toddler to the playground: Finish one… Continue reading Wheeee!

September 12, 2009

I almost forgot about yesterday’s anniversary– I didn’t think of it at all until the fulsome tribute before Thursday night’s football game. I actually waffled for a bit about whether to put up the annual moment-of-silence post. It’s been eight years, everybody’s concerns have shifted to other things, and September 11, 2001 doesn’t loom quite… Continue reading September 12, 2009

Bonus Baby Blogging

We’re headed out for a last road trip before the start of classes, taking SteelyKid to visit her great-grandmother and great-great-aunts. Why? Because she’s this cute: If you had a baby that cute, wouldn’t you take her on the road? I thought so. Normal-ish blogging will resume Tuesday. I’m scheduling a few other pictures to… Continue reading Bonus Baby Blogging