The Unexpected Leaping Ability of Bovines

I’m spending the day trying to get some work done on the book-in-progress, so I’m avoiding both work- and blog-related stuff. I don’t want to leave the site completely quiet, though, so here’s a question to ponder, relating to SteelyKid’s continuing fascination with Goodnight Moon: How does a cow jump over the moon? The father… Continue reading The Unexpected Leaping Ability of Bovines

Conceptual Physics Costumes for Halloween

It’s late October, which means that the thoughts of small children and adults who have never quite grown up turn to selecting appropriate costumes for Halloween. In the spirit of these literary suggestions and these abstract concept suggestions, I thought it would be useful to offer some suggestions for physics-themed costumes, for those who want… Continue reading Conceptual Physics Costumes for Halloween

Poll: Halloween Books

I almost forgot something that I need to do today, so no lengthy and detailed blogging this morning. Instead, a quick poll regarding Neil Gaiman’s suggestion of giving kids scary books for Halloween: Neil Gaiman suggests giving kids scary books for Halloween. What do you think?online surveys Halloween is a classic holiday, which means you’re… Continue reading Poll: Halloween Books

Poll: The Peter Threshold

As a sort of follow-up to yesterday’s post asking about incompetent teachers, a poll on what you might call the “Peter Threshold,” after the Peter Principle. Exactly how many incompetent members can an organization tolerate? The acceptable level of incompetence in any organization (that is, the fraction of employees who can’t do their jobs) is:Market… Continue reading Poll: The Peter Threshold

Poll: Religious Beliefs of Scientists and Science Blog Readers

A big and important argument about religion and science has flared up again on Twittter. It occurs to me, though, that nobody has taken the obvious step of polling people about their actual beliefs, so let’s see if we can’t settle this question with (social) SCIENCE!: I would prefer to be a member of:Market Research… Continue reading Poll: Religious Beliefs of Scientists and Science Blog Readers

The Astrophysics of Bedtime Stories

SteelyKid is a big fan of the classic children’s book Goodnight Moon, which, if you haven’t spent the last sixty-odd years in a cave, you probably know features a bunny saying goodnight to a variety of objects in a great, green room. The attentive toddler will find a lot to look at in the pictures–… Continue reading The Astrophysics of Bedtime Stories

The Physics Bus

SteelyKid, like most toddlers, knows a few songs, and likes to sing them over and over. Her repertoire is limited to “ABCDEFG” (the alphabet song, but that’s how she requests it), “Twinkle, Twinkle,” “Some man” (“This Old Man,” which I only figured out this weekend), and “Round and Round” (“The Wheels on the Bus”). I… Continue reading The Physics Bus