I am in Florida for a meeting this week, having flown from Albany to Ft. Lauderdale. Due to the vagaries of the air travel system, though, this required a change of planes in Orlando. The Orlando-Ft. Lauderdale flight is sufficiently short that I like to think of it as a ballistic route– you’re not cruising… Continue reading Ballistic Air Travel
Category: Silliness
Academic Poll: Synchronization
The clock in my classroom for this term appears to be set five minutes slow. Which is an improvement over the one in the hall that’s ten minutes slow, but kind of plays hell with starting and ending class on time. It is, however, a great excuse for a poll: Clocks in academic buildings should… Continue reading Academic Poll: Synchronization
Dorky Poll: Favorite Newtonian Rule?
It’s the first day of the new term, and the projector bulb that was working on Friday decided to stop working by Sunday. After that bit of excitement this morning, plus my lecture, I’m beat. I always forget how much talking is involved in intro physics lectures. My class for the term is the first… Continue reading Dorky Poll: Favorite Newtonian Rule?
Person of the Year, 2010
I’m very pleased to announce that the Uncertain Principles Person of the Year for 2010 is… SteelyKid: Why do I say this? Well… First, as lots of people will tell you, we’re all citizen journalists now. Which means that I’m every bit as entitled to declare a person of the year as Time magazine is.… Continue reading Person of the Year, 2010
Literary Interlude: Bearded Mentor Figures in the Literature of the Fantastic
It’s time now to talk about two of the greatest mentor figures in the literature of the fantastic. You know their stories well, I’m sure, but the parallels between them are eerie: Both are gruff but kindly mentor figures who provide crucial guidance for the young and naive protagonist of the story as he moves… Continue reading Literary Interlude: Bearded Mentor Figures in the Literature of the Fantastic
Dorky Poll: Gratitude
It’s Thanksgiving here in the US, so blogging will be light to nonexistent. For the sake of those looking for a quick escape from the chaos of a family gathering, or, you know, those poor benighted souls in other countries for whom this is just another Thursday, here’s a thematically appropriate poll about science: What… Continue reading Dorky Poll: Gratitude
Poll: Greetings
I don’t think this one requires any explanation: Hello:customer surveys Staying up watching the Giants game last night was not conducive to getting anything useful done this morning.
The Diagonal Parking Theorem
(With apologies to Georg Cantor) Theorem: There are an infinite number of stupid ways to park. Definition: We define as stupid any parking method that places any fender of a car outside the legal lines bounding the space. Proof:Consider a line L through the center of a legal parking space, parallel to the lines bounding… Continue reading The Diagonal Parking Theorem
Bakery Poll: The _____ on the Cake
Having posted not one but two snarky political entries in recent days, I feel like I owe the Internet a couple of ResearchBlogging posts to make up for it. It’s the last week of classes here, though, which means I have a lot of frantic work to do. Thus, a frivolous poll inspired by the… Continue reading Bakery Poll: The _____ on the Cake
Calculus Saves the Economy!
I’m taking a bit of flak in comments to my silly Bob Dylan post from Sunday, with various right-wingers spontaneously popping in to tell me that JFK cut taxes. My initial reaction to this is to think that supposing a perfect equivalence between JFK cutting the top rate from 90% to 70% during a time… Continue reading Calculus Saves the Economy!