New Dorky Poll: Favorite Particle?

Well, the extremely dorky poll on favorite fundamental constants seems to have petered out at 48 comments, two short of the threshold at which it would’ve become non-dorky. Still, that was a good effort. Since that worked pretty well, here’s another dorky poll question: What’s your favorite fundamental particle? And, for the sake of concreteness,… Continue reading New Dorky Poll: Favorite Particle?

New Physics Contest

Slow blogging this weekend, as yesterday was taken up with activities that will be blogged about later. Today promises to be a sticky and unpleasant day outside, so I’ll probably end up doing a lot of blogging in my nice, comfortable, air-conditioned home office. Of course, there’s not much point in posting lots of stuff… Continue reading New Physics Contest

What Students Are Good For

Among other things, pointing me to silly bits of pop-culture ephemera that I haven’t noticed before. Such as, for example, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see and only one will survive, I wonder who… Continue reading What Students Are Good For

Categorized as Silliness

Extremely Dorky Poll

Rob Knop offers a nice discussion of the speed of light, in response to last night’s question. This post is not about that, though you should go read it. This post is about my odd reaction to Rob’s title: “‘Speed of Light’ : a bad name for a great fundamental constant?” The notion of a… Continue reading Extremely Dorky Poll

We’re Number 8,312!

As you’ve no doubt seen elsewhere on ScienceBlogs, Nature posted a little story about popular science blogs that included a list of said blogs, including a link to yours truly (tied with Deltoid for 11th in their list by Technorati rank order. My ranking has actually climbed slightly since then (#8312 accoring to my most… Continue reading We’re Number 8,312!

Sub-Genius Social Hedonist

My traffic has been down a little in the past couple of weeks, which of course can’t possibly be because I haven’t posted anything really interesting in that time. No, clearly, it must be that I’m not playing the game right. Thus, I have performed an extensive study or high-traffic blogs, to determine what it… Continue reading Sub-Genius Social Hedonist

Categorized as Silliness


Some sort of network problem at Verizon cut Chateau Steelypips off from the Intenets yesterday, but that was all right, as we were hosting a party for some friends from work, and had other things to do. The weather, which had been predicted to be lousy, turned out to be fine, and a good time… Continue reading Werewolves!

Categorized as Silliness

Ask a ScienceBlogger: Cartoon Edition

OK, it’s not an official Ask a ScienceBlogger question (that answer will show up next week), but over at the World’s Fair, they’ve raised an important scholarly question via a scene from The Simpsons: Marge: Homer? Homer: Yelloh? Marge: There’s a man here who thinks he can help you. Homer: Batman? Marge: No, he’s a… Continue reading Ask a ScienceBlogger: Cartoon Edition

Quote of the Day

From Lara Beaton: Some people are like Slinkies – They serve no useful purpose, but they do give you a smile when you push them down a flight of stairs. (Of course, anybody in physics education would probably quibble with the statement that Slinkies are useless, but I’m willing to overlook that for a well-turned… Continue reading Quote of the Day

Categorized as Silliness

Lazy Blogging Saturday

It’s been a while since I looked at the search engine keywords on Goggle Analytics for this site. It’s a little depressing to find that PZ Myers turns up three times (“pharyngula,” “Pharyngula,” and “PZ Myers”) before my own name. Worse yet, Aaron Bergman, who doesn’t even have a blog any more, also shows up… Continue reading Lazy Blogging Saturday